Track List
01. 아이러니즘 (Ironism) - Live
02. 큰 소란 (Big Fuss) - Live
03. 준비됐나 (Ready) - Live
04. 거기 살자 (Live There) - Live
5. 비트와 자장가 (Beat and Lullaby) - Live
6. 종이 위에 (On A Paper) - Live
All tracks written, composed, arranged, and performed by Wedance (Wevo & Wegui)
All tracks produced by Wedance (Wevo & Wegui) & BA Wheeler.
All tracks recorded on location (by BA Wheeler).
All tracks mixed and mastered by BA Wheeler at Union Studio, Seoul.
Artwork by 위보 Wevo
Published By MO records
Released through Beeline Records (
2020년 가을이었다. 우리는 양수리의 한 농가에서 라이브 비디오를 찍었다.
농막 스테이지
바닥은 불친절했고 시종일관 위태로운 두 사람의 머리 위로 하얀 조명이 모든 것을 선명하게 만들었다.
오렌지색 흙바닥 위에 푹 꺼져버린 싱크홀, 천정에서부터 길게 늘어뜨린 마이크, 수레에 실린 기타 앰프를 무대 삼아 연주했다.
비닐하우스 스테이지
싱그러운 초록의 냄새가 코를 자극하는 비닐하우스 안은 녹색 줄기와 무성한 잎들 그리고 거미줄의 왕국이었다.
빨강/주황/노랑/파랑/녹색, 공사장 조명들을 달고 불을 켰다. 나뭇가지로 심벌을 후려치고 골 사이로 길게 난 좁은 길 위를 비트와 자장가 인트로에 맞춰 전력 질주 했다. 하우스 입구로 신이 난 마을 주민들이 모여와 함께 춤을 추었다.
2021년 여름. 라이브 앨범을 만들다.
이미 1년이 된 녹음본을 앨범으로 만들어도 되는 걸까. 다른 것도 아닌 '라이브'라니.
다시 양수리를 찾아가 이제는 다른 흙으로 메워져서 평탄해진 땅을 그때의 모양으로 다시 파기로 했다.
삽질하고 호미질하고 본래 구멍하고 비슷해질 때까지 모양을 만들어서 앨범 아트웍에 담았다.
2021년 시월. '이 구덩이는 그때 그 구덩이는 아니지만'
메워진 땅 위에 삽질로 창조해낸 구덩이는 우리에게 허리 통증만을 남기지는 않았다.
일 년 전 그날의 시간과 노래는 오늘 당신을 통해 재생(Playback)된다.
English Translation
Summer of 2020
2020 was set to be a big year for Wedance. Their new album (Dance Pop) had just been released and the band was gearing up for a long-awaited tour of Australia, which was to include several notable support slots and a much-anticipated appearance at Bigsound festival. Then, Corona struck and put an end to those touring plans. Not to be deterred, the band and the promoters in Australia set in motion plans for a digital tour. Always looking for the opportunity to be unique the band immediately set about finding the strangest location for a live performance they could, and so on a hot summer's day in 2020 Wedance found themselves shooting a live video in a sinkhole and a greenhouse on a farm in Yangsu-ri, on the outskirts of Seoul.
The Sinkhole Stage
A natural sinkhole had formed in one of the farm buildings during the rainy season and Wedance deemed this uneven, muddy surface the perfect place to play their first three songs. White lights set into the side of the hole, a microphone hanging from the ceiling supports, and a guitar amp on an old broken wheelbarrow set the scene for what might be one of the most unique live videos you will see.
The Greenhouse Stage
Halfway through the set, Wedance takes the long (10m) bike ride/walk across the street to their second stage, the Greenhouse. This kingdom of green stems, lush leaves, and spider webs stimulate the nose and eyes, while Wedance’s music keeps your ears from being distracted by the sound of chickens and roosters next door. Red/orange/yellow/blue/green lights were hung from the ceiling, to give this unlikely setting more of a concert vibe. During the set Wevo beats on a drum cymbal with a small branch and sprints around the greenhouse-like a woman possessed by her music. At the entrance of the greenhouse, excited villagers gathered to dance together and witness this amazing spectacle.
Summer of 2021. Make a live album.
A year has passed, and it seems a shame to only showcase this unique video in Australia so we decide to release a live album. Is it ‘live’ if a year has passed? That is a debate for another time!
The band revisited the Yangsu-ri farm to take some pictures, but the hole had been filled in. Anyone else would have just used screenshots from the video, but Wedance decided to dig the hole back to the same dimensions. They gathered together a motley crew of friends, managers, and farmers who over the hours shoveled and hoed the ground until their backs hurt and it was as similar to the original hole as possible. A few snapshots later and the hole was filled back in again, bringing to a close a full year’s worth of preparations and paving the way for the release of their new live EP ‘Dancing On The Farm